
Hi. My name is Bruce Thomas and I am a front-end web developer, and commercial videographer. I have a masters degree in Graphic design, which is usefull when I work for start-up clients. My skill set is focused on the user interface and content creation. After work you'll find me life drawing.

My portfolio only lists the projects that I am most proud of, and my resume contains most recent work contracts. To compratamentalise skills I have created both a videographer CV, and a seperate front-end developer CV.

social platforms

arbitrary photographs

I absolutely love abstract and arbitrary photographs, in contrast to
vanity photos. There are some many amazing things in the world much
more fascinating than some fake smile.

here is one on my own (from unsplash)

creative writing

My life long ambition is to write (and finish a novel). Other the years I
have participated in various writing courses and online competitions,
and social writing clubs, some of the stories are published here, you
can find them on the story page, which is an experiment in
working with web components.